
Mitch Flickinger


Who’s got two thumbs and loves his patrons, This guy!


Adam Nussbaum


When Adam Nussbaum took a job cleaning up in the meat department at a small locally owned market on the edge of town, he thought he was just making some extra cash for high-school shenanigans. He never thought he’d make a life out of meat.

But he has.  In a small town that happens to be the seat of one of the most agricultural counties in Ohio, Nussbaum (a.k.a. The Butcher) is breaking down sides of hand-picked beef as well as the outdated notion that supermarket meat is the only choice.

His loyal following comes to Meatheads Union because the quality and flavor of the meat is outstanding---no hormones, no dyes, no steroids, all locally sourced. They come because of The Butcher’s knowledge and knack for shooting the breeze about all things beef, pig, goat, chicken and, occasionally, fish.
